How Expensive is Car Insurance in Florida? Find Out Now!

Last updated on January 28th, 2024 at 03:26 pm

Car insurance in Florida is relatively expensive, with an average monthly cost of $238 for full coverage, or $91 for liability-only coverage. Florida drivers pay an annual average of $3,183 for full coverage and $1,128 for minimum coverage, which is significantly higher than the national averages.

These rates reflect the unique risks associated with driving in Florida, such as high population density, severe weather conditions, and a high number of uninsured motorists. It’s important for drivers in Florida to carefully consider their insurance options and shop around for the best coverage at the most affordable rates.

How Expensive is Car Insurance in Florida? Find Out Now!


Average Cost Of Car Insurance In Florida Per Month

The average cost of car insurance in Florida is $91 per month for liability-only coverage. For full coverage, the average cost is $238 per month. These rates are higher than the national averages. Florida drivers pay an annual average of $3,183 for full coverage and $1,128 for minimum coverage.

Compared to the national averages of $2,014 for full coverage and $622 for minimum coverage, Florida’s rates are significantly higher. It is important for residents of Florida to be aware of these costs when budgeting for car insurance. Additionally, it is recommended to shop around and compare quotes from different insurance providers to find the best rates and coverage options for your specific needs.

Cheapest And Best Car Insurance Quotes In Florida

Car insurance prices in Florida vary depending on different factors such as driving history, age, and location. It’s important to explore various car insurance providers to find the cheapest and best quotes. Some top car insurance companies in Florida offering affordable rates include GEICO, Progressive, and more.

By obtaining quotes from these providers, you can compare coverage options and premiums to find the most suitable policy for your needs. Remember, the average cost of car insurance in Florida is around $91 per month for liability-only coverage and $238 per month for full coverage.

Keep in mind that rates may vary, so it’s always a good idea to shop around and compare multiple quotes before making a decision.

Average Cost Of Car Insurance In Florida Per Year

Florida drivers face a significant cost when it comes to car insurance. On average, they can expect to pay around $3,183 per year for full coverage car insurance. However, for those seeking minimum coverage, the average cost drops to $1,128 per year.

These numbers are substantially higher than the national averages of $2,014 and $622 for full coverage and minimum coverage, respectively. Considering these figures, it is essential for Florida drivers to budget accordingly for their car insurance expenses. The cost of car insurance can vary depending on various factors such as age, driving record, and the type of car being insured.

Shopping around and comparing quotes from different insurance providers can help drivers find the best possible rates for their specific circumstances.

Is Long Term Care Insurance More Affordable Than Car Insurance in Florida?

In Florida, the long term care insurance cost can vary depending on various factors such as age, health status, and coverage options. While car insurance is required by law, long term care insurance is not mandatory but can be more affordable in the long run, especially as medical expenses continue to rise.

Frequently Asked Questions For How Expensive Is Car Insurance In Florida

How Much Is Car Insurance In Florida Per Month?

The average car insurance cost in Florida per month is $91 for liability-only coverage or $238 for full coverage.

How Much Is Car Insurance In Florida Per Year?

Car insurance in Florida costs $3,183 per year for full coverage and $1,128 per year for minimum coverage.

Who Has The Lowest Car Insurance In Florida?

The average cost of car insurance in Florida is $91 per month for liability-only coverage, or $238 per month for full coverage.

Is Automobile Insurance In Florida Cheap Compared To Other States?

Car insurance in Florida is not cheap compared to other states. The average cost is $91 per month for liability-only coverage and $238 per month for full coverage.


To wrap up, car insurance in Florida can be quite expensive compared to the national averages. The average cost of car insurance in Florida is $91 per month for liability-only coverage and $238 per month for full coverage. This means Florida drivers pay an annual average of $3,183 for full coverage and $1,128 for minimum coverage.

These rates are significantly higher than the national averages, with full coverage costing $2,014 and minimum coverage costing $622 on average. It’s important for Florida drivers to carefully consider their insurance options and shop around for the best rates. Factors such as age, driving history, and the type of car you drive can impact your premium.

By understanding the factors that affect car insurance rates in Florida, drivers can make informed choices to protect themselves and their vehicles without breaking the bank.

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