How to Turn on Backup Camera on Jeep Compass 2015

How to Activate Backup Camera: Jeep Compass 2015

Last updated on January 31st, 2024 at 11:15 am

To turn on the backup camera on a 2015 Jeep Compass, simply follow these steps. Introduced in 2007, the Jeep Compass quickly gained popularity as a compact crossover SUV designed for urban adventures and off-road capabilities.

The 2015 model, in particular, offers a range of features, including a built-in backup camera. Having a backup camera can significantly improve your visibility and safety while reversing your vehicle. If you’re wondering how to turn on the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015, the process is quite simple.

By following a few straightforward steps, you can activate the backup camera and enjoy the added convenience it provides. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of turning on the backup camera so that you can make the most of this valuable feature.

Step-By-Step Guide

To turn on the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015, first, ensure its compatibility. Then, purchase and install the backup camera kit. Connect the camera to the rearview mirror. Finally, activate the backup camera using the infotainment system. Following these steps will allow you to easily use your backup camera.

It is important to ensure your camera is compatible with your Jeep Compass 2015 model. Purchase a backup camera kit and install it properly. Make sure to connect the camera to the rearview mirror to enable its functionality. Utilize the infotainment system to activate the backup camera for seamless operation.

Enjoy the convenience and safety of having a backup camera in your Jeep Compass 2015.

Check The Compatibility Of Your Jeep Compass 2015

To turn on the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015, start by checking the compatibility of your vehicle. Verify the model year and review the specifications of the Jeep Compass 2015. Additionally, determine if your vehicle has the necessary infotainment system.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your Jeep Compass 2015 is equipped with the features required to activate the backup camera. With the backup camera turned on, you’ll have an extra layer of safety and convenience when maneuvering your vehicle.

Take the time to carefully go through these guidelines, and you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015.

Purchase And Install The Backup Camera Kit

To successfully turn on the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015, first purchase and install a suitable backup camera kit. Begin by researching and selecting the right kit for your vehicle. Once you have the kit, gather the necessary tools.

For safety precautions, disconnect the battery before starting the installation process. Locate the rear license plate assembly and remove it carefully. Install the backup camera on the license plate, ensuring it is securely in place. Finally, route the wiring to the rearview mirror.

By following these steps, you can easily activate your backup camera and enhance your driving experience.

Connect The Backup Camera To The Rearview Mirror

To turn on the backup camera on a Jeep Compass 2015, start by connecting it to the rearview mirror. Remove the rearview mirror carefully and connect the backup camera wiring to the rearview mirror wiring. Make sure the connections are secure.

Once the wiring is connected, reinstall the rearview mirror back onto its mount. Ensure that it is firmly attached. By following these steps, you can successfully enable the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015 without any hassle. Enjoy the added safety and convenience that the backup camera provides while driving.

Activate The Backup Camera Using The Infotainment System

To activate the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015, start the vehicle and turn on the infotainment system. Access the infotainment system menu and locate the backup camera option. Select this option and you will be able to view the live feed from the camera.

If desired, you can also adjust the backup camera settings to suit your preferences. Make sure to follow these steps carefully to successfully turn on the backup camera feature in your Jeep Compass 2015. With the backup camera activated, you can enhance your visibility while reversing and parking, making it a useful tool for safe and convenient maneuvering.

Ensure a stress-free driving experience with the help of your Jeep Compass’s backup camera.

How to Activate Backup Camera: Jeep Compass 2015



To turn on the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015, start by verifying the wiring connections. Ensure that all the wires are properly connected and secured. Next, check for any faulty components that could be the cause of the camera not turning on.

Inspect the camera itself, the wiring harness, and the display unit for any signs of damage or malfunction. If you’re unable to identify the issue or if you’re uncomfortable troubleshooting yourself, it is recommended to seek professional assistance. A qualified technician will have the expertise to diagnose and fix the problem.

Remember, proper functioning of your backup camera is crucial for safe reversing, so address any issues promptly.

Can the Same Method be Used to Activate the Backup Camera in a Jeep Compass 2015?

Yes, the same method to activate the backup camera in a Jeep Compass 2015 can also be used for the Jeep Wrangler. To activate the backup camera in a Jeep Wrangler, simply shift the vehicle into reverse and the backup camera will automatically turn on, providing you with a clear view of what’s behind you.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Turn On Backup Camera On Jeep Compass 2015

Why Is My Backup Camera Not Working On My Jeep Compass?

The backup camera on your Jeep Compass may not be working due to a potential wiring issue.

Does The 2015 Jeep Compass Have A Backup Camera?

No, the 2015 Jeep Compass does not come with a built-in backup camera.

Why Isn’T My Backup Camera Working In My Car?

The backup camera in your car may not be working due to a faulty connection or a blown fuse.

Does A Jeep Compass Have A Backup Camera?

Yes, the Jeep Compass is equipped with a backup camera for added convenience and safety.


Activating the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015 is a simple and useful feature that can enhance your driving experience. By following the step-by-step instructions outlined in this blog post, you can easily turn on your backup camera and gain a clear view of the area behind your vehicle.

Remember to first familiarize yourself with the location of the controls and the settings menu on your vehicle’s infotainment system. Then, navigate to the “Camera Settings” option and enable the backup camera function. Take advantage of the guidelines provided to adjust the brightness and contrast settings for optimal visibility.

Whether you are parallel parking, reversing out of a tight spot, or simply navigating through crowded areas, the backup camera on your Jeep Compass 2015 can be a valuable tool to ensure safety and convenience on the road.

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